

Database consulting and Business Intelligence (BI)  services from simple compact database designs, migrations to Enterprise  development. We also provide options on onsite, onshore Remote Database Support and offsite and cloud hosting and support.

Our services are not partial to any database or BI vendor. Our assessment and recommendations and selection of technologies are fully based on customer needs and budget. On request we also provide recommendations and options with comparative analysis from several database/BI vendors such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server support, MySQL support, Teradata, Amazon Redshift, EMC GreenPlum and many other bigdata and NoSQL solutions. Refer to the links below for more detailed solutions information.

Our Business Intelligence services also have several mid-level and premium options without the premium consulting cost. BI Solutions include but not limited to Enterprise level Microsoft, Oracle, Crystal,Tableau consulting & Tableau reporting, Jasper and several cloud and non-cloud small-medium scale solutions.

We also provide custom Business Intelligence Brokering and Database Integration solutions where we enable various systems in your environment to communicate and transfer knowledge to each other and also serve as a central Brokering repository. This enables companies to achieve cutting-edge reporting and BI solutions even from legacy environments and facilitate service brokering and database communications between heterogeneous systems. Ask Us about our specialty BI services to complement and add new functionalities to your legacy and off-the-shelf products that lack very needed custom changes without having to replace your entire system.

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