Our Remote DBA consulting in California dramatically reduces your cost and liability in maintaining a DBA Team. Cost reduction from 50-70% and the luxury of having a fully cross functional team from the core of Silicon Valley supporting your databases with custom SLAs. We specialize in Bay Area IT consulting services and have over 2 decades of support experience supporting clients all around the world. We maintain and cross-train our team to your environment leaving you free of any worries such as Holidays, Vacations, Losing resources, Hiring, Re-Training and various liabilities so you can focus on your business aspects for a fraction of the cost. Get the peace of mind with our remote DBA consulting in California and use that piece of your budget for other essential parts of your business.
- 24 X 7 monitoring & support
- custom SLAs UPTO 99.9% UPTIME
- Preventative monitoring resolves issues before they become emergency situation
- Proactive alerting
- Cross functional cross trained team support from certified team leads and DBAs
- Periodic SLA review to maintain and improve levels of service
- Periodic status and capacity planning and stake holder reports
- Free policies and guidelines for it support, engineering and development teams in the company
- Availability of onsite DBAs in case of extensive hardware or other resource failures
- As a Microsoft, Oracle , Amazon partners we work hand in hand with vendor support
- Database performance metrics
- Automated Backups/Restores
- Monitoring of OS, Database space, table growths
- Security & Access monitoring
- Index, Fragmentation checking
- Capacity monitoring and future planning
- Periodic Cleanup Services
- Proactive resolution of critical and other errors with alerting
- OS Tuning, Server/Hardware Tuning
- General performance Tuning
- Identification of malfunctioning or long and/or improper queries/jobs
- Deadlock, Blockings and related monitoring and resolutions
All we require is:
- VPN, RDP or other Remote Access Tools such as Teamviewer, LogmeIn etc.,
- Access to your helpdesk support system or ticket queue. In absence of such system, we would internally maintain a system for your company
- Access to email Services for support
- Oracle /SQL Server Cluster, Standby, Mirroring Services
- Setup of Disaster Recovery Sites
- Setup/Migration to Cloud services such as Amazon RDS, Azure
- Replication, Partitioning
- Application specific Tuning
- Custom Query & Performance Tuning
- Virtualization, Consolidation and Cross Database Migrations
For more details, view our contact us page. We are always available to help you with remote DBA consulting in California.